Family history and genealogy

Showing 1 - 8 of 8 results
Woman with curly hair standing in front of a wall of framed family photos in the Hopes and Fears exhibition
The family mantlepiece

Learn about the mantlepiece display at the entrance to our Hopes and Fears: Australian Migration Stories exhibition.

Man reading through a thick, leather-bound book of shipping registers

Lloyd's register of shipping, 1914-1949,

Discovering your ancestors’ migration story: Part 2

Our Special Collections Research & Support team are back with answers to more common questions that can help can uncover your ancestors' migration story.

Two women and four men, who make up the Library's Special Collections Research & Support team, standing and smiling in the Special Collections Reading Room in front of a table with three maps on it

Special Collections Research & Support team

Discovering your ancestors’ migration story: Part 1

Our Special Collections Research & Support team have answered common questions that can help can uncover your ancestor’s migration story.

Members of a family standing in a line from oldest to youngest

A. Collingridge, Portrait of the Lyons family, Canberra, ca. 1935 nla.obj-137397778

Tracing your family history with the Library’s charts and forms

Learn about the Library's family history research charts and how to find the information to fill them in.

Husband and wife sitting at a table with a large cake and vases of flowers in front of them

John Joseph and Harriett Willson Denison celebrating their golden wedding anniversary, November 1939, nla.obj-151150861

Beginner’s guide to family history research

Find out how to get started with your family history research and how the Library can help along the way.

Man in military uniform with hat smiling

Harry Peters, soldier in the Third Employment Company, c. 1942

Dear Mutzi: Writing a life through letters, memories and imagination

Read about how author Tess Scholfield-Peters explored her grandfather's early life as a teenager fleeing Nazi Germany in her new book 'Dear Mutzi'.

Family history desk common questions blog
Most common family history questions we get asked at the Library: Part 2

In our second blog, find out how to find information on births, deaths, addresses and property records.

National Library Special Collections Research and support Team
Most common family history questions we get asked at the Library: Part 1

In the first of two blogs, learn about birth certificates, First Nations family history, electoral rolls, and cemetery records.


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