How we collect | National Library of Australia (NLA)

How we collect

Acquisition methods

The Collection Development Policy provides the Library with an overall framework for the collecting of Australian and overseas materials.

The Library acquires Australian material mainly through legal deposit, purchase (direct from publishers or through library suppliers), exchange, gift or donation.

Copies of all works published in Australia are received by the Library under legal deposit, which covers books, journals, maps, newspapers and printed music. Commonwealth, State and Territory Government publications are excluded from this legislation, but are also received by deposit under a variety of directives and circulars.

Material issued in microform (i.e. microfiche, microfilm and microcard) is normally purchased by the Library to supplement its collections in other material formats. Unpublished Australian materials such as manuscripts and pictures are acquired through purchase or donation, oral history recordings commissioned for the collection.

Events such as federal elections, the Sydney Olympics in 2000, Australian Bicentenary and Centenary of Federation generate a vast range of publications and other printed ephemera - including flyers, posters, leaflets, memorabilia, stickers, etc. The Library's active acquisitions program aims to provide broad-ranging collections of material documenting such significant events in Australian life.

Overseas material is acquired primarily through arrangements with commercial vendors where material is supplied according to previously specified profiles. The Library (including the Regional Office, Asia) also selects material on a title-by-title basis to ensure that acquisitions are maintained in accordance with the Collection Development Policy. Publications of international organisations and world governments are deposited with the National Library as a regional centre - this includes material from the United Nations etc.

Recommend a title for acquisition

Are we missing something in our collection? If you think we should add a title, please first have a look at What we Collect and check the Catalogue to see if we already hold the title in our collection. We welcome suggestions of titles that meet our Collection Development Policy and our Collecting Strategy.

Please complete our suggestion form to provide your recommendation.

Due to the high volume of suggestions received, the Library is unable to let you know whether your suggestion has been accepted. However, your generosity in making a suggestion is greatly appreciated.

View our list of wanted items

You may be able to help us acquire wanted items - see our current collecting priorities.

Offer material as a donation or for purchase

The Library welcomes offers of material as donations or purchase. Although we are unable to accept all offered material, we are always grateful for the opportunity to assess it.

Page published: 18 Sep 2023

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