Burmese collection | National Library of Australia (NLA)

Burmese collection

The Burmese collections at the National Library of Australia consist of thousands of books, journals and microfilm holdings in Burmese language and Burma/Myanmar-related materials.

Most of the collection dates from the 1950s. It includes works on economics, education, history, ethnography, language and medicine. There are also many works on Burmese culture and Buddhist religion and literature. In recent years the supply of books to the collection was intermittent but the Library has again been actively acquiring materials.

There are seven current journal titles: long-standing periodicals, such as Mahasi, some news journals, government news, opinion and popular journals, and the government gazette.

The Library's main collection also contains a variety of Burma/Myanmar related English-language material. Resources include:

  • Census of India, Census of Burma (1872 to 1931);
  • newspapers: Working People's Daily, the Guardian, the Journal of the Burma Research Society and the New Light of Myanmar;
  • Government Gazette from 1875-1925 on microfilm and 1957-1967 hard copy;
  • the catalogue of books 1957-1963 published by the Ministry of National Planning, an almost complete set of the law reports from 1948 to 2007.

These materials can be searched and requested online.

Sepia photograph of a monastery with people stanidng on the balconies

Adam Whyte, King Theebaw's monastery, Fort Mandalay, nla.gov.au/nla.obj-151519086

Adam Whyte, King Theebaw's monastery, Fort Mandalay, nla.gov.au/nla.obj-151519086

How the collection is arranged

The Burmese language collection is arranged in subject order.

It is currently being catalogued online but due to the difficulty of rendering Burmese script online, records do not yet display Burmese script characters.

Literary works in the collection have been listed separately in Burmese script.

The remainder of the Burmese language collection is not yet catalogued.


  • The books, papers and photographs of Professor G. H. Luce - comprehensive coverage of Burmese history, archaeology, inscriptions, geography, botany, agriculture, languages, tribal customs, travels, memoirs, art and architecture.
  • Griffin collection - photographs of 19th century Burma by photographer A.R. Whyte
  • Archived websites on the 2007 Burmese Uprising - view our selection of websites documenting this period of Burmese history
Page published: 29 May 2020

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