The Flying Optometrist

Author Joanne Anderton, illustrated by Karen Erasmus
Publication Date 01 Apr 2018
Cover of the book 'The Flying Optometrist'

Lots of people are waiting for him!

Aunty can't see well enough to carve her emu eggs and Bill the plumber has a splinter in his eye. Young Stephanie can't wait for him to arrive as she has broken her glasses and can't join in games of cricket and have fun with her friends - she can't see the ball!

Hurry up Flying Optometrist! Where is he? Is he lost?

The townsfolk wait with bated breath until finally the Flying Optmetrist's little red plane appears, having only just missed a bad storm. A big meal waits for him in the local hotel. Then starts work checking eyesight.

The Flying Optometrist doesn't have long, but he helps as many people as he can.

He returns to the city but Stephanie has to wait a little longer for an exciting package to come - her new glasses!

Published in association with the Brien Holden Vision Institute.

Page published: 01 Apr 2018

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