We’re updating how you login to the Catalogue & eResources | National Library of Australia (NLA)

We’re updating how you login to the Catalogue & eResources

Published on 20 Nov 2023
Man using a laptop to access the National Library catalogue

Join the Library

To log in, you need to join the Library. Joining us is free and you can access our collections onsite and online.

I have a National Library card

At your first login from Monday 20 November, you will be asked to create a new login using your email address and a password.

I would like to join the Library

You can join the Library online and get instant access to collection requesting and eResources. To join you will need to provide a name, email address, post code and telephone number.   You’ll receive a digital login straight away. If you are in the building you can pick up a Library card.

Access to the Library’s collections in our building

To access the Library’s collections onsite, you will need a Library card. If you already have a Library card you can continue to use it.

If you don’t have a Library card and you want to access the Library’s collections onsite, please see our Reading Room Staff. They will check your proof of identity and then give you a Library card.

Online access to the Library’s collections

If you’re accessing the Library’s collections online, you do not require a Library card. You can login, request collection material and view eResources with your email address and password.

Need help or have questions?

We're here to help. You can ask our staff in the Main Reading Room or use our  Ask a Librarian service.

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