British Parliament business | National Library of Australia (NLA)

British Parliament business

This page gives information on how to find Votes and proceedings of the House of Commons, Minutes of proceedings and order papers of the House of Lords, and the Journals for each house.

Daily issues of the proceedings are no longer received. Information contained in them is in the sessional volumes of the Journals. 

Journals are compiled from the Votes and proceedings and Minutes of proceedings. They form the permanent and authoritative record of the business dealt with in each session of Parliament.

Votes and proceedings of the House of Commons

The daily records of the business of the House of Commons contain all the business that was transacted on the previous day. It includes Notices of motions and orders of the day.

Library holdings and online access
PublicationTime periodAccess links
Votes and proceedings of the House of Commons...1861-1890/91CAC Sq 328.42 GRE
Notices of motions and orders of the day...1861-1890/91CAC Sq 328.42 GRE

Votes and proceedings

Earlier editions of Votes and Proceedings are available in corrected form as the House of Commons Journal

2006 - 2010Online
Votes and proceedings2008/09 - presentOnline

Minutes of proceedings and order papers of the House of Lords

The daily records of the business of the House of Lords contain all the business that was transacted on the previous day.

Information contained in them can be found in the sessional volumes of the Journals of the House of Lords (see below).

The House of Lords Business website contains information on minutes of proceedings and future business. The Minutes and Order Papers Archive is also available online.


The Journals for each House are compiled daily from the Votes and Proceedings for the House of Commons and the Minutes of Proceedings for the House of Lords. They form the permanent and authoritative record of the business dealt with in each session of Parliament. The Journals record only what was done, not what was said (which is the role of the Debates).

Each new sessional volume is published about two years after the end of the session.

Library holdings and online access - House of Commons
PublicationTime periodAccess links

Journals of the House of Commons

Compiled from and largely supersede the daily Votes and Proceedings

1547-1800RSERef 328.42 GRE

Journals of the House of Commons

Compiled from and largely supersede the daily Votes and Proceedings

1688-1834The journals may be accessed through our eResource U.K. Parliamentary Papers online. Visit our eResources portal and search for this resource under the Browse eResources tab.

Journals of the House of Commons

Compiled from and largely supersede the daily Votes and Proceedings

1801-1999/2000CAC Sef 328.42 GRE

Journals of the House of Commons

Compiled from and largely supersede the daily Votes and Proceedings

From 1835 to the presentOnline
Library holdings and online access - House of Lords
PublicationTime periodAccess links

Journals of the House of Lords

Compiled from and largely supersede the daily Minutes of Proceedings

1509-1800RSERef 328.42 GRE

Journals of the House of Lords

Compiled from and largely supersede the daily Minutes of Proceedings

1688-1834The journals may be accessed through our eResource U.K. Parliamentary Papers online. Visit our eResources portal and search for this resource under the Browse eResources tab.

Journals of the House of Lords

Compiled from and largely supersede the daily Minutes of Proceedings

1801- 2002/03CAC Sef 328.42 GRE

Journals of the House of Lords

Compiled from and largely supersede the daily Minutes of Proceedings

From May 1997 to the presentOnline

Indexes to the Journals

House of Commons

There are eight general indexes covering 1547-1879. Indexes were published every 10 years from 1879.

General Index to the Journals of the House of Commons 1660-1837: The journals may be accessed through our eResource U.K. Parliamentary Papers online. Visit our eResources portal and search for this resource under the Browse eResources tab.

From 1837: Online

House of Lords

General indexes were published from 1510-1853, and every ten years from then on.

General Index to the Journals of the House of Lords 1660-1854: The journals may be accessed through our eResource U.K. Parliamentary Papers online. Visit our eResources portal and search for this resource under the Browse eResources tab.

Indexes are found in the back of each published volume, 1801- 2002/03: CAC Sef 328.42 GRE

From May 1997: Online. The index is published with each journal; select the link on the journal page.

Summary agendas and orders of business

These give an overview of what is going on in the House of Commons Chamber and in Westminster Hall. Browse online by date from October 1997 at the UK Parliament website.

Our call numbers


This call number indicates the Rare Serials Collection. Requested items will be delivered to the Special Collections Reading Room.


Main Reading Room Reference Collection. No eCallslip request required.

Related eResources

  • Eighteenth Century Collections online
  • House of Commons Parliamentary Papers

Both collections are accessible offsite through the eResource UK Parliamentary Papers online using your Library login - visit our eResources portal and search for Parliamentary Papers under the Browse eResources tab.

In this guide

A picture of Queen Victoria at the House of Lords to open the first Parliament of her reign

C. E Wagstaff & George Baxter, (1841), The arrival of Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria at the House of Lords to open the first Parliament of her reign,

British Parliament research guide

British Parliamentary publications are valuable primary sources for research into British and dominion history, including Australia.

Research guide
Green tile
British Parliament debates

British Parliamentary debates are of interest to those studying public issues in Great Britain, particularly social and political history and law.

Research guide
Green tile
British Parliament bills

A bill is a proposal for a new law which is debated by Parliament. There are separate sets of bills for both the Houses of Commons and Lords.

Research guide
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British Parliament Acts

A Bill which has received Royal Assent becomes an Act.

Research guide
Green tile
British Parliament papers

Whenever the Houses of Commons or Lords requires the submission of a report and orders it to be printed, the resulting document is issued in a numbered series of House of Commons papers or House of Lords papers.

Research guide
Green tile
British Parliament reference works

The Library holds a number of British parliamentary publications in the Reference Collection in the Main Reading Room.

Research guide
Page published: 07 Dec 2023

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