Buy copies | National Library of Australia (NLA)

Buy copies

You can buy copies of items in our collections found in the Catalogue or on Trove. We offer digital copies of newspaper articles, book chapters, photographs, maps, manuscripts, music, sound recordings, and they will be sent to you online.

How to order digital copies

1. Find your item

Search for your item in the National Library Catalogue or Trove.

  • Catalogue: Select 'Order a Copy'
  • Trove: Select 'Buy'

2. Complete your order

To complete your order, provide:

  • Item details: title and any other relevant information.
  • Copy details: format, delivery method, and any other required details.
  • Declaration of use: select your intended use of the material (personal, research, study, or public use) and agree to the terms of use declaration.
  • Contact details: your name, phone number, email, and postal address.
  • Payment details: choose a payment method and provide credit card details. Payment is secure and used only for this transaction.

The more information you provide, the better we can fulfil your order. If we are unable to identify or locate your item, we will cancel your order and refer you to our Ask a Librarian service for further help.

3. Check availability

Once we have completed your order, we will check any applicable usage rights. These may include copyright, Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property (ICIP) and other usage rights. For permissions information, review copyright in library collections.

Delivery options

Your digital copies will be available for download through the library’s file service. Larger files will be sent via a secure file-sharing link, and you will get an email when your files are ready to download.

Delivery times

Orders are filled during business hours. Delivery times may vary based on the item format, location, and rights clearances. Standard and priority times are:

  • Books, journals, music, newspapers: 15 business days (routine), 3 business days (priority).
  • Maps, manuscripts, oral histories, pictures: 30 business days (routine). Priority service is unavailable for these formats.

Checking your order status

If your order takes longer than expected, please email us for an update.

Processing information 

  • Once you receive a confirmation email, your order is queued for processing.
  • For large or complex requests, delivery times will vary, and you will be contacted if there are any delays.

Changes or cancellations

To change or cancel your order, contact us.


Credit or debit card

Pay online using a credit or debit card. Your card will not be charged until your item is sent. If we cannot fulfill your request, you will not be charged.

Important details

  • A temporary $1.00 hold will appear on your account for verification. This isn’t a charge and will be removed by your bank within a few days.
  • Refunds will not be issued for purchase change of mind. If we cannot supply your item, no charges will be applied.
  • Ensure your card details are current, accurate, and your account has sufficient funds.
  • Credit card payments are secure and card information is not stored.
  • All prices are in Australian dollars.

If you have any questions or need further assistance with payment, please reach out to our team.


We offer a range of digital reproduction services. Prices are dependent on the type of material and urgency of your request. 

Priority orders will be available from Saturday 15 February 2025 (additional costs apply).  

If you request items from other Australian libraries to read at the National Library of Australia, a minimum fee of $34.50 will apply.

PDF copies

Material Type

Standard Service 

(GST Free)








$19.00 per 25 consecutive pages (up to 200 pages)
$152.00 (201 - 300 consecutive pages) 
$247.00 (301 - 600 consecutive pages) 
$475.00 (601 - 900 consecutive pages)

$19.00 per 25 consecutive pages (more than 900 pages)


$19.00 per 25 pages per box

Oral History Transcripts

$19.00 per transcript

High-quality TIFF/JPEG copies

Material Type

Standard Service 

(GST Free)







$52.00 per image


$52.00 per image 
$52.00 per 10 aerial photograph images (or part thereof)

Custom photography

Custom photography is based on the National Library’s image capture standards.

Material Type

Standard Service 

(GST Free)







Quotation - Minimum charge $290.00 per image

Page published: 17 Nov 2024

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