North America | National Library of Australia (NLA)

North America

Showing 1 - 12 of 17 results
Collection guide
Anti-slavery movement in the United States

Microform collections documenting the anti-slavery movement from the 18th-20th centuries and selected monographs

Collection guide
Four men seated at a table and one man sitting behind them

Sir Percy Spender, Photograph from Box 13 of the Spender Papers, Papers of Sir Percy Spender, 1937-1978,

Australia's Journey with the World Bank with Dr Nicholas Ferns

Dr Nicholas Ferns presented a lecture on his 2024 National Library Fellowship research into the history of the relationship between Australia and the World Bank, with a particular focus on the connections between international finance and national development.

Collection guide
Burke Collection

Papers, photographs, ephemera, books and journals from Europe, Asia, America and Australia ranging from 1850-1950 collected by Eric Keast Burke.

Collection guide
Collection guide
Hall Collection

Personal papers and about 600 books and pamphlets from 1900-1960 on international relations, political biography, migration and more with a focus on the Commonwealth and United States. 

Collection guide
Collection guide
L.F. Crisp Collection

Over 6000 books, pamphlets and journals mainly related to Australian history and politics, as well as personal papers and a significant number of British and American imprints.

Collection guide
A man sitting at a table behind a microphone, turning his head and smiling.
Moving targets: Finding Young People in the Early Modern World with Professor Nicholas Terpstra

Professor Nicholas Terpstra discussed where we can find youths in the histories of the early modern world and how they might reshape our understanding of the early modern period.

Collection guide
Osborne Collection

About 200 American books and a smaller number on the French Revolution and Napoleon, plus 15 letters by eighteenth and nineteenth-century scientists and physicians.

Collection guide
Collection guide
Radicalism in America

Pamphlets, journals and other publications documenting many strands of American radicalism.

Collection guide
Text from an old newspaper that reads 'The United States Governed by Six Hundred Thousand Despots. A True Story of Slavery, Showing That Brutality is inseparable from Slavery, That the Constitution of the United States of America is the Bulwark of American Slavery, That the only hope of abolition of Slavery is in separation from the Union. By a Fugitive Slave.'


Rediscovering the firsthand account of a fugitive slave

Find out how a powerful newspaper article written in 1855 by a fugitive slave was re-published into a book and added to our collection.

News article
Collection guide
Sir Peter Crisp Collection

696 books and pamphlets relating to freshwater fishing mostly from Britain, as well as many from Australia, New Zealand and America.

Collection guide
Collection guide
Snell Collection

About 15,500 items of sheet music and about 700 music albums from the late eighteenth century to the 1980s, as well as the personal papers of Snell.

Collection guide
An old map that shows North and South America, with the text on the map all written in latin.

Abraham Ortelius, Americae sive novi orbis, nova descriptio : cum priuilegio [i.e. privilegio], 1579,

Spanish mapping of empire with Dennis Reinhartz and Robert Clancy

American cartographic expert Emeritus Professor Dennis Reinhartz discussed the exploration and charting of the Americas and the Pacific undertaken by the Spanish from the 15th to the 18th centuries with map collector, curator and author Emeritus Professor Robert Clancy.


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