Aboriginal story telling with Larry Brandy | National Library of Australia (NLA)

Aboriginal story telling with Larry Brandy

As part of our Enlighten Festival program, Wiradjuri man Larry Brandy invited children to become kangaroos, emus or hunters while learning about traditional Aboriginal culture.

This activity was suitable for children aged 3-10 years old, and parents and carers were more than welcome to join in too.

Larry used real artefacts as well as animal masks as a way of involving children in his performance.

This event was a fantastic place to start your family’s night at Enlighten.

Attendees were invited to stay after the presentation to enjoy our community picnic, face painting, art and craft activities and giant games, or grab a bite to eat at our food stalls while the kids were entertained for free.

This event was also run on 9 March.

Larry Brandy Aboriginal Storytelling

About Larry Brandy

Larry Brandy is a Wiradjuri man from Condobolin, central New South Wales.

He lives in Canberra and performs storytelling throughout Australia, sharing the rich and continuing traditions of Wiradjuri culture. He has performed around the world, in Bali, Djkarta, New Caledonia, the United States and Canada.

He has been awarded a Churchill Fellowship, as well as NAIDOC person of the year in the ACT.

He is the author of Wiradjuri Country, published by NLA Publishing. This is his fourth children’s book.

Buy Wiradjuri Country

Event details
08 Mar 2024
6:00pm – 7:00pm

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