Rare books and illuminated manuscripts

James Hook, Guida di Musica: Being a Complete Book of Instructions for Beginners on the Harpsichord or Piano Forte, nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn8650184

W.A. Mozart (1756–1791), Boosey and Sons’ Complete Edition of Mozart’s Opera, Figaro, for Voice and Pianoforte, with English and Italian Words, London: Boosey and Sons, 1854–1864, Hince Collection (Music), MUS Hince 2 collection M 76, nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn8596647

Mrs M. Robinson, Poems, volume 1, London: Printed by J. Bell, British-Library, Strand, 1791, Clifford Collection (Overseas Rare Books), RB CLI 2050, nla.cat-vn2476718

Baskerville Collection in the Rare Books Stacks

Uncredited artist, Glycine Rubicunda. Dingy-Flowered Glycine: Diadelphia Decandria [Kennedia Rubicunda, Dusky Coral Pea], No. 268, July 1 1794

Hook begins his book with this preface.

Title page of the Margarita Philosophica (1517)

Nicholas Rowe (editor), The Works of Mr. William Shakespear, 6 volumes, volume 2, London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1709–1710, David Nichol Smith Collection, nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn1355760