Narratives and story telling

Learning activities

  1. Introduce the concept of first- and third-person pronouns to students. Create a table collaboratively and have students fill the correct pronoun in the correct place.
    • What are the pros and cons of writing a story from each point of view?
  2. Listen to Emma Allen read The Great Book-swapping Machine. Have the students listen for third-person words, including the use of character names, and pronouns like 'he', 'she' and 'they'.
    • Ask the students to rewrite the story with a first-person perspective.
  3. Have the students write a creative story on the topic of their or your choice using the three-act structure. Have them identify and colour the different acts of the story. If they are typing the finished story on a computer, have them use different coloured fonts and headers to identify the acts. If they are hand writing it, use coloured pencils and headers to block out the acts.
Page published: 20 Oct 2023

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