
Soc Hedditch, A youth wearing a gas mask and a Friends of the Earth armband demonstrates against French nuclear testing in the Pacific, Adelaide 1972, nla.obj-146561887

Penny Tweedie & Australian Information Service, Elder Vincent Lingiari of the Gurindji Language group, addressing the media after Prime Minister Gough Whitlam officially returns Aboriginal land at Wattie Creek, Northern Territory, 16 August 1975,

Loui Seselja, View over the field of hearts display, with old Parliament House in background, United Nations World Refugee Day and Field of Hearts event, Canberra, 2004,

Sean Davey, Members of parliament in the House of Representatives during the debate of the Marriage Amendment Bill, Parliament House, Canberra, 7 December 2017, 1,

Photo of Dorothy Tangney and Enid Lyons entering Parliament House in 1943, from the Papers of Dorothy Margaret Tangney, 1938-1986,

Corflutes donated from the 2013 election, with NLA staff members

Bain Attwood and Andrew Markus, The 1967 referendum race, power and the Australian Constitution, 2007,

A selection of publicly donated referendum items in our collection.

Francis Reiss, Protesters gathered outside the State Library in Swanston Street, Melbourne peace rally, 14 February 2003,