Migration and immigration | National Library of Australia (NLA)

Migration and immigration

Showing 1 - 12 of 31 results
Two boats with rope hanging between them filled with men, women and children coming from Vietnam

Michael Jensen, Vietnamese boat people, Darwin, 1977, nla.gov.au/nla.obj-149648567

Australian migration


Discover how migration has shaped Australia’s diverse identity through stories from the first colonies, the gold rush, refugees and more in this learning module.

Digital Classroom
A black and white image of an asult and three children standing by the side of the road with an old fashioned car parked near them. The Sydney Opera House is in the background.

Sonia Di Mezza as a baby with Guido, Joseph and Anna Di Mezza under the Harbour Bridge, c.1972 or 1973, courtesy Sonia Di Mezza

Building our nation: How migrants and their children have shaped Australia

Sonia Di Mezza, CEO of the Migrant and Refugee Settlement Services (MARSS) in Canberra, discussed how Australia was and is strengthened by migrants, and how important cultural diversity and inclusion is to modern day Australia.

Woman of Chinese heritage sitting on a couch in a nice house, wearing a colourful striped jumper and smiling

Anna Zhu, Dawna Leung, Thornleigh, Sydney, New South Wales, 31 May 2022, nla.obj-3084238106

Chinese-Australian family history research guide

Beginner researchers can use this guide to find resources to help learn about their domestic family history or trace their ancestral origins overseas.

Research guide
Cover of the book 'Dear Mutzi'
Dear Mutzi

Tess Scholfield-Peters

NLA Publishing book
Man in military uniform with hat smiling

Harry Peters, soldier in the Third Employment Company, c. 1942

Dear Mutzi: Writing a life through letters, memories and imagination

Read about how author Tess Scholfield-Peters explored her grandfather's early life as a teenager fleeing Nazi Germany in her new book 'Dear Mutzi'.

Black and white photo of an empty street in Chinatown, Darwin

Chinatown, Darwin, 1930, nla.gov.au/nla.obj-136768825

Diana Giese Collection

Oral history interviews by Diana Giese with Chinese Australians, Cambodian refugees and community leaders, and with people involved in the Australian publishing industry.

Collection guide
Two women and four men, who make up the Library's Special Collections Research & Support team, standing and smiling in the Special Collections Reading Room in front of a table with three maps on it

Special Collections Research & Support team

Discovering your ancestors’ migration story: Part 1

Our Special Collections Research & Support team have answered common questions that can help can uncover your ancestor’s migration story.

Man reading through a thick, leather-bound book of shipping registers

Lloyd's register of shipping, 1914-1949, nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn729906

Discovering your ancestors’ migration story: Part 2

Our Special Collections Research & Support team are back with answers to more common questions that can help can uncover your ancestors' migration story.

Man with short black hair and black glasses in a short-sleeved checkered shirt smiling and sitting at a desk with a Chinese language newspaper on it
Exploring the experiences of Chinese migrants in Australia

Using the Library’s English and Chinese language material, Dr Yao-Tai Li set out to examine the daily experiences of Chinese migrants since the 1970s.

You can't forget things like that
Forgotten Australians and Former Child Migrants oral history project

The National Library conducted an oral history project to record the lives and experiences of Forgotten Australians and Former Child Migrants.

First Australians
Information article
Scrapbook of newspaper clippings, including one full page and a cartoon, about the Gamboa family

Album of newspaper cuttings relating to the Gamboa family' from the Papers of the Gamboa family, 1949–99, nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn997866

Gamboa: A family defined by race

Follow the story of Lorenzo Gamboa and his fight to return to his Australian-born wife and children after his deportation in 1946. 

People watch lion dances in Chinatown Plaza in Adelaide

Jiayuan Liang, Chung Yee Tong Lion Dance Team performing lion dances, Chinese New Year, Chinatown, Adelaide, 2022, nla.gov.au/nla.obj-3125334254

Growing Chinese Australian representation in the collection

Explore some of the recent additions to the collection representing the contribution of Australians with Chinese heritage.


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