Migration and immigration | National Library of Australia (NLA)

Migration and immigration

Showing 1 - 12 of 31 results
Woman with short dark hair wearing a navy short sleeve top smiling at the camera and sitting at a desk with a laptop, papers and a box
Untold histories: Chinese communities in Australia during the Cold War

Hear from 2023 National Library Fellow Dr Mei-Fen Kuo about her research into the impact of Chinese cafes during the Cold War.

The front pages of two different Turkish language newspapers.

Left: Kaynak : the Australian Turkish source : independent Turkish newspaper, 15 February 1984, page 1, nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn1031341. Right: Kimligimiz icin dusunce, August 1989, page 1, nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn2206702

Turkish-Australian transnational life writing with Dr Burcu Cevik-Compiegne

Dr Burcu Cevik-Compiegne presented a lecture on her 2024 National Library Fellowship research into uncovering different forms of life writing produced in Australia following the Labour Migration Scheme between Turkey and Australia in 1967.

Collection guide
Tilghman Collection

About 260 books and pamphlets on American history, as well as papers of the Woodriff family and Tilghman, including about 380 of Tilghman's photographs of the Northern Territory 1925-1927 and Queensland 1931-1933.

Collection guide
Woman with curly hair standing in front of a wall of framed family photos in the Hopes and Fears exhibition
The family mantlepiece

Learn about the mantlepiece display at the entrance to our Hopes and Fears: Australian Migration Stories exhibition.

Black and white photo of basketball player, Robert Rose, poised to shoot at the goal

Damian McDonald, Robert Rose, basketball player from Canberra Cannons team, 1997, https://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-136393881

Sporting immigrants

With new people and cultures come new ideas and a significant immigrant contribution to Australian sport and society.

Research guide
A sepia-toned photograph showing a group of passengers relaxing on the deck of a ship. Men and women are seated on deck chairs, dressed in late 19th or early 20th-century clothing, with hats and striped dresses visible. The background shows ship rigging and sails.

Ship passengers relaxing on deck, 1870, nla.gov.au/nla.obj-146719701

Shipping and passenger records

Find immigration records, shipping and passenger lists for fare-paying passengers, assisted migrants and crew members to reveal key details about your family members arrival in Australia.

Research guide
Collection guide
Schuster Collection

Recordings of folk songs and dance music from Queensland and also stories, legends and recollections of customs and immigrant settlement, particularly German and Scandinavian in rural Queensland.

Collection guide
Text from an old newspaper that reads 'The United States Governed by Six Hundred Thousand Despots. A True Story of Slavery, Showing That Brutality is inseparable from Slavery, That the Constitution of the United States of America is the Bulwark of American Slavery, That the only hope of abolition of Slavery is in separation from the Union. By a Fugitive Slave.'

THE UNITED STATES GOVERNED BY SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND DESPOTS., Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875), 25 April 1855, nla.gov.au/nla.news-article60178733

Rediscovering the firsthand account of a fugitive slave

Find out how a powerful newspaper article written in 1855 by a fugitive slave was re-published into a book and added to our collection.

News article
Broadside with text reading 'New Colony of South Australia. A Bill having been brought into Parliament under the Sanction of His Majesty's Government for funding a Colony of South Australia. A public meeting will be held in the Great Room at Exeter Hall strand, on Monday next'

South Australian Association, issuing body, New colony of South Australia : a bill having been brought into parliament under the sanction of His Majesty's government for founding a colony in South Australia, 1834, nla.gov.au/nla.obj-3461873066

Rare broadsides announcing the formation of South Australia

Learn about two broadsides recently added to our collection. 

News article
Hanho Times newspapers spread over a table, with focus on the 3-year anniversary issue
Now online: South Korean community newspaper the Hanho Times

See some of the stories contained in the Hanho Times Korean community newsletter.

Black and white photo of British migrant women waving on the deck of a ship

London News Agency Photos Ltd, British women migrants aboard passenger ship, London, ca. 1920s, https://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-138115134

Migration and sport


With new people and cultures come new ideas and practices. These could be new foods, new religions, new art forms or even new sports.

Digital Classroom
Collection guide
Lyle Collection

50 oral history recordings with 149 interviewees containing reminiscences, stories and music relating to Scottish oral traditions in Australia.

Collection guide

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