Imagination and fantasy
One of the most obvious benefits of fantasy is that it allows readers to experiment with different ways of seeing the world. It takes a hypothetical situation and invites readers to make connections between the fictional scenario and their own reality.
Set outside the real world, fantasy fiction provides a filter through which children can read about issues that might otherwise feel more frightening.
Quest stories are about heroes facing challenges. A quest can be both physical - a journey - and spiritual or psychological - perhaps a rite of passage or growth in self-identity - but it is never for riches or adventure for their own sake. Some heroes are not on quests, just adventures!
Learning activities
Students can combine fantasy and imagination to create a fantastic world. In groups or individually, have students explore the idea of creating a quest with a purpose.
In this task, students might:
- create plot tension through imaginative language
- create a language of symbols
- create a writing wall with post-it notes to map the sequence of their ideas
- incorporate the correct use of punctuation and language as part of the task
- include characters to support the main protagonist/s.