On stage

About this module

This module adopts an inquiry-based learning approach that develops students’ skills as historians and broadens their exposure to the history of music, dance and drama in Australia. The module will encourage students to both make and respond to art practices.

On Stage: Spotlight on our Performing Arts

This Digital Classroom module was created in conjunction with the National Library of Australia's exhibition "On Stage: Spotlight on our Performing Arts" which was staged from 4 March to 7 August 2022. A virtual walkthrough of the exhibition is available with links and information about items on display.

Copyright for teachers

You can download all collection materials in this resource for education purposes. For more information, go to copyright for teachers.

Topics in this module

A black and white photograph of a billboard advertising the 'Big Show of 1936', a variety performance

(1936). Frank Neil presents new international variety stars in the Big show of 1936. nla.gov.au/nla.obj-2404782107

Performing arts in Australia


Sydney’s first theatre was said to be opened in 1796 and was managed by Robert Sidaway.

Digital Classroom
A photograph of the Sydney Opera House during the day. The Opera House is framed by the hanging branches of a large tree. In the foreground is a wrought iron fence.

Don McMurdo, [Sydney Opera House], nla.gov.au/nla.obj-146290294

Stage performance


Drama in Australia is celebrated at all levels of skill and involvement. 

Digital Classroom
Dancers standing, crouching, and laying down holding balloons

Samuel Cooper & Adam Linder, Dancers on stage during dress rehearsal of Sydney Dance Company's Are we that we are, Sydney Theatre, Sydney, 2010, nla.gov.au/nla.obj-132086627



The history of dance performance in Australia, as with all the performing arts, precedes the arrival of settlers from other nations.

Digital Classroom
Kylie Minogue wearing a red dress and with her arms in the air

Matthew Sleeth, Australian singer Kylie Minogue performs at the Tour of Duty concert at Dili Stadium, East Timor, 21 December 1999, nla.gov.au/nla.obj-147368307



One of the world’s oldest music traditions that is still performed is the bunggul ceremony. This can be seen annually at the Garma Festival held in Gulkula, a sacred site in north-east Arnhem Land. The Garma Festival runs for four days and observes the traditions and customs of the Yolngu people.

Digital Classroom

Concluding activities


  • Costume design activity. Have the students listen to this oral history recording from Kristian Fredrikson (1940–2005): Timestamp: 00:00-03:37
    • Have the students discuss and explore costume styles from different parts of the world.
    • Taking some ideas from Kristian’s recording, have the children design their own costume for a dancer.



  • As a class, read a book (or continue a book the class is already reading) and then have students, working in groups, re-imagine a chapter of the book as a theatrical production. Have them write a script with action directions and character lines. Get them to think about how they can use their bodies to convey emotions and represent abstract or physically improbable ideas or scenarios.


  • Have students create a short piece of music based on their favourite item or toy. Print out a blank music score available online. Encourage the students to think about the tone and feeling of the piece. For simplicity keep within one octave and monophony. As an extension have students attempt polyphony. This may be easier with a keyboard or piano, there are also many apps that simulate a keyboard instrument.
A black and white photograph of circus performers on a trapeze

Loui Seselja, [Flying Fruit Fly Circus trapeze performance at the opening ceremony of the National Museum of Australia, Canberra, 11 March 2001], nla.gov.au/nla.obj-146590891

Loui Seselja, [Flying Fruit Fly Circus trapeze performance at the opening ceremony of the National Museum of Australia, Canberra, 11 March 2001], nla.gov.au/nla.obj-146590891

Curriculum links

  • Explore movement and choreographic devices using the elements of dance to choreograph dances that communicate meaning (ACADAM009)
  • Develop technical and expressive skills in fundamental movements including body control, accuracy, alignment, strength, balance and coordination (ACADAM010)
  • Perform dance using expressive skills to communicate a choreographer’s ideas, including performing dances of cultural groups in the community (ACADAM011)
  • Explain how the elements of dance and production elements communicate meaning by comparing dances from different social, cultural and historical contexts, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander dance (ACADAR012)

  • Explore dramatic action, empathy and space in improvisations, playbuilding and scripted drama to develop characters and situations (ACADRM035 )
  • Develop skills and techniques of voice and movement to create character, mood and atmosphere and focus dramatic action (ACADRM036)
  • Rehearse and perform devised and scripted drama that develops narrative, drives dramatic tension, and uses dramatic symbol, performance styles and design elements to share community and cultural stories and engage an audience (ACADRM037)
  • Explain how the elements of drama and production elements communicate meaning by comparing drama from different social, cultural and historical contexts, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander drama (ACADRR038)

  • Explore dynamics and expression, using aural skills to identify and perform rhythm and pitch patterns (ACAMUM088)
  • Develop technical and expressive skills in singing and playing instruments with understanding of rhythm, pitch and form in a range of pieces, including in music from the community (ACAMUM089)
  • Rehearse and perform music including music they have composed by improvising, sourcing and arranging ideas and making decisions to engage an audience (ACAMUM090)
  • Explain how the elements of music communicate meaning by comparing music from different social, cultural and historical contexts, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander music (ACAMUR091)
Page published: 20 Oct 2023

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