The use and influence of science | National Library of Australia (NLA)

The use and influence of science

About this module

This resource engages students with a rich selection of historical sources and challenges them to draw their own conclusions - not only about science and technology, but about the people behind the discoveries. It highlights four influential Australian scientists and uses their oral history recordings, giving some background to their major discoveries and exploring their early influences and the struggles they faced before and after their successes.

By bringing a personal side to science, this resource gives students a better understanding of the role of scientists; the responsibilities that come of great discoveries; and the ways in which ideas, career paths and goals are shaped and redefined throughout a person’s life.

Topics in this module

painting of Australian bush landscape

Von Guerard, Eugene, 1811-1901. Eugene Guerard's Australian landscapes. (1867). Source of the Wannon [picture] / Eug. v. Guérard.

Timeline of Australian innovations


Australians have a talent for ingenuity and creative thinking. From ancient times, Australians have used the materials around them to develop unique and practical tools to help them live and prosper.

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Oral histories

The Library’s Oral History and Folklore Collection dates back to the 1950’s and includes a rich and diverse collection of interviews and recordings with Australians from all walks of life.

The National Library of Australia's Oral History and Folklore collection records the voices that describe our cultural, intellectual and social life. The collection consists of around 45,000 hours of recordings, the earlier ones dating back to the 1950s when the tape recorder became available

This module draws on the Oral History and Folklore collection recordings of four prominent Australian scientists from different times, backgrounds and specialty areas.

black and white photograph of Sir Howard Florey

Australian News and Information Bureau. [Portrait of Howard Florey] [picture] / [Australian News and Information Bureau].

Oral history: Sir Howard Florey


Sir Howard Florey was an Australian medical scientist.

Digital Classroom
photograph of Nancy Millis

McDonald, Damian, 1971-. (1999). Portrait of Nancy Millis [picture] / Damian McDonald.

Oral history: Emeritus Professor Nancy Millis


Professor Nancy Millis was an Australian microbiologist who worked and studied microbial growth and the fermentation process.

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black and white photograph of a man lecturing at a lecturn

Mulligan, J. A. (John Aloysius), 1927-1996. (1970). Sir Mark Oliphant lecturing at the University of Sydney, 1 September 1970 [1] [picture] / John Mulligan.

Oral history: Sir Mark Oliphant


Sir Mark Oliphant was an Australian physicist who is known for his work in nuclear physics and radar, and, later, for becoming governor of South Australia.

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photo of a woman standing against a purple background

Gostelow, Philip, 1962-. (2013). Professor Fiona Stanley at the Telethon Institute for Child Health Research, Subiaco, Perth, 21 August 2013 / Philip Gostelow.

Oral history: Professor Fiona Stanley


Professor Fiona Stanley is an Australian paediatrician and epidemiologist who is best known for her work linking deficiencies of folic acid in pregnant women with birth defects - specifically, spina bifida and related conditions.

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Module learning activities

Introductory activities

These activities are designed to activate students’ prior knowledge, develop critical thinking skills and establish an understanding of the key terms and concepts relating to Australia’s role in major scientific breakthroughs.

The activities will help students place Australian scientific achievements into a global context. Students will be asked to think about what drives scientific breakthroughs, how societal pressures can steer scientific direction, and what responsibilities come from being part of a great discovery. A collection of primary sources—oral recordings of eminent Australian scientists—have been selected to allow students to hear about their achievements firsthand and get an understanding of the people behind the discoveries.

Start by asking students to think about inventions and/or scientific advances. What does it take to find a solution to an unsolved problem? What does it take to build on an existing idea and make it better? What factors restrict scientific advancement?

Get students into groups. Give each group a deck of cards, some rubber bands, some small paper clips and some pencils. Tell the students their task is to build the tallest card tower that will support the greatest weight. For an added challenge, you could award a prize for the tallest tower, strongest tower, tower made using the least cards, etc.

This activity will see students take an old problem (building a tower from cards) and, using their existing knowledge, limited materials and lateral thinking, achieve new solutions.

Key terms

  • science
  • endeavour
  • breakthrough
  • enlightened thinking
  • lateral thinking.

Background questions

  • What are some of the greatest innovations in human history? How do you define ‘great’?
  • ‘Humans have an innate desire to always improve things and control their surroundings.’ As a class, discuss the validity of this statement.
  • What do you think is meant by ‘enlightened thinking’?

Concluding activities

The National Library of Australia’s Oral History and Folklore Collection houses over 45,000 hours of recordings with prominent Australians. They provide us with a rare insight into the thoughts and feelings of scientists, politicians and historians.

Have students pair up and create their own oral history recording. This could be about a discovery they have made, a holiday, or their most memorable experience. They will need to prepare 4 or 5 thoughtful questions to ask each other. The questions should probe the memory of the interviewee and prompt a detailed recollection. Ask students to discuss the differences between closed and open questions. What are the advantages/disadvantages of each? Make a list of inquiry questioning words and phrases such as: ‘Tell me more about … ’; ‘How did you … ’, etc.

Students should then use their phones or class devices to record their histories (using only the audio recorder, not the video camera). Have students start the recording with by introducing the interviewer, interviewee, time and date and location. Students should also record a disclaimer, as heard in the recordings in this module. This will help them understand the concept of ownership of content and let them decide whether or not their recording can be played to the class. Set a time limit for the recordings; 5 minutes per student should be sufficient.

When the recordings are finished, have students upload or email the videos to themselves, a teacher, a class shared folder etc. for safekeeping. At the end of the unit, term, semester or year, students can listen to their recordings.

After the activity, facilitate a class discussion. Ask students to describe how it felt to be interviewed about their life:

  • was it stressful to recall details?
  • did they feel comfortable?
  • how did they feel having only their voices recorded instead of the whole exercise being filmed?
  • when they listen back to the recording, do they think it is an accurate representation of them? (sound, etc.)
  • Ask students to think about how we may capture personal stories and history in the future.

This activity aims to familiarise students with the process of recording history. It can also be used to show students that even their own lives and experiences are part of a shared history. It aims to encourage public speaking skills and develop confidence speaking in a formal setting.


This glossary includes words highlighted throughout the module. Unless otherwise indicated, definitions and glossary entries come from the Maquarie Dictionary.

Definitions have been selected for best fit to context; some entries have multiple meanings in different applications.


  1. of or relating to aerodynamics
  2. able to travel through the air; designed for air travel
  3. of or relating to a shape that reduces drag, as of an aeroplane or sports car: an aerodynamic spoiler


(From Archaeology) the systematic study of any culture, especially a prehistoric one, by excavation and description of its remains

Bow drill

See Bow Drill with Annotations, Wikimedia Commons

Cochlear implant

an artificial hearing device which produces hearing sounds by stimulating inner-ear nerves by means of a pad of electrodes implanted into the cochlea; designed to restore some hearing ability to those with severe damage to the inner-ear nerves


Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, the largest scientific research organisation in Australia. Although active in a wide field of scientific research, its main responsibility has been to support Australian primary and secondary industry, rather than engage in pure research.


of or relating to a cycle or cycles; revolving or recurring in cycles; characterised by recurrence in cycles


to compare (texts, statements, etc.) in order to note points of agreement or disagreement


mutual relation of two or more things, parts, etc.


(from deficiency)

  1. the state or fact of being deficient; lack; incompleteness; insufficiency
  2. the amount lacked; a deficit


a highly volatile and flammable colourless liquid, diethyl ether, (C2H5)2O, obtained by the action of sulphuric acid on alcohol, and used as a solvent and anaesthetic


wild animals, including birds and fishes, hunted for sport or profit


to sprout; put forth shoots


the quality of being ingenious; inventive talent.


  1. inborn; existing or as if existing in one from birth: innate modesty
  2. inherent in the essential character of something


new and original

Kinetic Energy

the energy which a body possesses by virtue of its motion; the energy which any system possesses by virtue of the motion of its components


the mechanical advantage or power gained by using a lever


to deprive the use of some bodily part, mutilate; cripple


a pattern composed of diverse elements combined together


the flesh of well gown sheep, as distinguished from lamb


acquired a government grant conferring exclusive rights to make, use and sell an invention or discovery


a material made of long, repeating chains of molecules; often used to describe plastics (which are synthetic polymers)

Definition from Live Science: What Is a Polymer?


the original or model on which anything is formed


turning around on an axis; having a part or parts that rotate


to become spoiled, bad, or unfit for use, as food or other perishable substances; become tainted or putrid


the suburbs collectively; the characteristic life of people in suburbs


a fleshy, usually oblong or rounded thickening or outgrowth (as the potato) of a subterranean stem or shoot

Type Metal

an alloy for making printing types, consisting chiefly of lead and antimony, and sometimes small quantities of tin, copper, etc.


a person who studies or deals with virology, the branch of medical science that deals with viruses and the diseases caused by them

Curriculum links

This resource is aligned to the Australian Curriculum: Science for Year 9 students.

Biological sciences

Ecosystems consist of communities of interdependent organisms and abiotic components of the environment; matter and energy flow through these systems (ACSSU176)

  • exploring interactions between organisms such as predator/prey, parasites, competitions, pollinators and disease

Chemical sciences

All matter is made of atoms that are composed of protons, neutrons and electrons; natural radioactivity arises from the decay of nuclei in atoms (ACSSU177)

  • describing and modelling the structure of atoms in terms of the nucleus, protons, neutrons and electrons
  • comparing the mass and charge of protons, neutrons and electrons
  • describing in simple terms how alpha and beta particles and gamma radiation are released from unstable atoms

Chemical reactions involve rearranging atoms to form new substances; during a chemical reaction mass is not created or destroyed (ACSSU178)

  • identifying reactants and products in chemical reactions
  • modelling chemical reactions in terms of rearrangement of atoms
  • describing observed reactions using word equations
  • considering the role of energy in chemical reactions
  • recognising that the conservation of mass in a chemical reaction can be demonstrated by simple chemical equations

Nature and development of science

Scientific understanding, including models and theories, is contestable and is refined over time through a process of review by the scientific community (ACSHE157)

  • investigating the historical development of models of the structure of the atom
  • considering how ideas about disease transmission have changed from medieval time to the present as knowledge has developed
  • investigating how models can be used to predict the changes in populations due to environmental changes, such as the impact of flooding or fire on rabbit or kangaroo populations

Advances in scientific understanding often rely on developments in technology and technological advances are often linked to scientific discoveries (ACSHE158)

  • considering how common properties of electromagnetic radiation relate to its uses, such as radar, medicine, mobile phone communications and microwave cooking

Use and influence of science

People use scientific knowledge to evaluate whether they accept claims, explanations or predictions, and advances in science can affect people’s lives, including generating new career opportunities (ACSHE160)

  • considering the impact of technological advances developed in Australia, such as the cochlear implant and bionic eye
  • recognising aspects of science, engineering and technology within careers such as medicine, medical technology, telecommunications, biomechanical engineering, pharmacy and physiology
  • considering the impacts of human activity on an ecosystem from a range of different perspectives

Values and needs of contemporary society can influence the focus of scientific research (ACSHE228)

  • investigating the work of Australian scientists such as Fiona Wood and Marie Stoner on artificial skin

Questioning and predicting

  • formulate questions or hypotheses that can be investigated scientifically (ACSIS164)

Planning and conducting

  • plan, select and use appropriate investigation types, including field work and laboratory experimentation, to collect reliable data; assess risk and address ethical issues associated with these methods (ACSIS165)
  • select and use appropriate equipment, including digital technologies, to collect and record data systematically and accurately (ACSIS166)

Processing and analysing data and information

  • analyse patterns and trends in data, including describing relationships between variables and identifying inconsistencies (ACSIS169)
  • use knowledge of scientific concepts to draw conclusions that are consistent with evidence (ACSIS170)


  • evaluate conclusions, including identifying sources of uncertainty and possible alternative explanations, and describe specific ways to improve the quality of the data (ACSIS171)
  • critically analyse the validity of information in primary and secondary sources and evaluate the approaches used to solve problems (ACSIS172)


Communicate scientific ideas and information for a particular purpose, including constructing evidence-based arguments and using appropriate scientific language, conventions and representations (ACSIS174)

Page published: 11 Jul 2022

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