Digital Classroom | National Library of Australia (NLA)

Digital Classroom

Explore Australia's history at the National Library's Digital Classroom, aligned with the Australian Curriculum. With over 10 million items, we support diverse learning styles, fostering inquiry-based learning for students to analyse sources and draw conclusions about the Australian story.
Showing 1 - 12 of 24 results
A group of women marches down a city street, holding various protest signs. Signs include messages like "Sexism is alive & living in Australia" and "Dress for comfort, not for style." A large sculpture is visible in the background.

John McKinnon & Australian Information Service, Women on the march wave their placards at the International Women's Day march, 1975,

Feminism in Australia


Explore the evolution of women's rights in Australia from women's suffrage to contemporary movements like #MeToo in this learning module. 


Senior Secondary
Australian history
Australian women
Protest and dissent
An aerial view of a large street procession with participants dressed in white, marching in rows and carrying banners. The crowded scene is framed by towering buildings on one side and tree-lined streets on the other. Spectators line the sidewalks, watching the organised march as cars and horse-drawn carriages are scattered among the crowd.

Bessie Mabel Rischbieth, Photographs of suffrage demonstrations and campaigning activities, 1900 - 1967,

Women's suffrage


Learn about the history, struggles and triumphs of women in their fight for the right to vote. Reflect on how women's suffrage movement shaped democratic societies and influences political advocacy today.

Senior Secondary
Australian history
Australian women
Government and politics
Law and legislation
Protest and dissent
A colour photograph of Anne Summers. Anne has shoulder length blonde hair and wears a red outfit and a large round necklace, standing against a red curtain background.

Craig Mackenzie, Portrait of Anne Summers at the National Library of Australia, 2013,

Modern legacies in Australian feminism


Explore the evolution of feminist movements in contemporary Australia. Consider the impact and progress made, and challenges that remain in achieving gender equality through analysis of key feminist movements, figures and topics.

Senior Secondary
Australian history
Australian women
A black-and-white photograph of a woman standing against a wall covered in posters. She is smiling and holding a folded newspaper in her arms, casually dressed with loose hair. The posters in the background are partially torn and feature bold text and graphics.

Brendan Hennessy, Germaine Greer holding newspapers, 1988,

Second wave feminism and 20th century social change


Explore how Second Wave feminism and social changes in the 20th century reshaped women’s rights, roles, and aspirations in society.

Senior Secondary
Australian history
Australian women
Government and politics
Law and legislation
Protest and dissent
A black-and-white photograph of Jessie Street seated at a desk representing Australia at a United Nations conference. She is wearing a white shirt and suit jacket and is writing, with other women visible beside her.

Jessie Street representing Australia at the United Nations, 194- ,

Prominent women in Australia’s feminist movement


Explore the contributions of key Australian feminists who shaped the fight for women's rights and reflect on their lasting impact on feminism today.

Senior Secondary
Australian history
Australian women
Government and politics
Law and legislation
Protest and dissent
A collage of black-and-white photographs showing different items and types of clothing worn by members of the Australian Women's Land Army, including socks, gloves, boots, shirts, overalls, frocks, coats, and hats.

Australia. Department of Supply and Shipping, The uniform dress, Australian Women's Land Army, 1943,

War as a catalyst for change


Examine the evolving roles women took on during the First and Second World Wars and how they impacted on women's labours, gender expectations and women's rights in Australia.

Senior Secondary
Australian history
Australian women
Government and politics
Law and legislation
Protest and dissent
This image shows two handwritten journal pages: the left features structured, titled entries, while the right is filled with continuous cursive text, densely covering the page in a narrative style.

James Cook, Excerpt from Captain James Cook's Journal of the H.M.S. Endeavour, Friday, 23rd March, 1770,

Who writes history?


How did our national story take shape? In this lesson, students explore how and why Captain James Cook has been portrayed so prominently in Australian history.

Senior Secondary
Australian history
First Australians
drawing of the Eastern Shore of Murray Island looking North West

Supreme Court and Australia High Court (1981) Papers of Bryan Keon-Cohen [manuscript]: the Mabo case, 1981-2000,

Challenging terra nullius


Explore evidence of Aboriginal agriculture and settlement in pre-colonial Australia to challenge the concept of terra nullius.

Senior Secondary
Australian history
First Australians
A black-and-white photograph of a statue of Captain Cook on a tall pedestal. The statue shows Cook standing with one arm raised and holding a rolled document in the other hand. Trees and part of a lamppost are visible in the foreground.

Frank Hurley & Thomas Woolner, Captain Cook's Statue, Hyde Park, Sydney, 1, 1910,

First Nations perspectives on Cook


Examine a range of First Nations peoples and communities perspectives on Cook’s legacy in contemporary Australia in this lesson for senior secondary students.

Senior Secondary
Australian history
First Australians
A landscape showing a group of people gathered around two campfires. Some sit and lie near the fires, while others stand. Smoke rises from the fires into the night sky. A body of water and distant cliffs are visible under a moonlit, partly cloudy sky.

Joseph Lycett & Joseph Lycett, Aborigines resting by camp fire, near the mouth of the Hunter River, Newcastle, New South Wales, 1817,

Colonising the environment


Learn about the environmental legacies of Cook's voyages including the impact on Australia's natural resources, Aboriginal land-management practices and connections to contemporary environmental activism.

Senior Secondary
Australian history
First Australians
An Aboriginal person dressed in a red coat with white breeches and black boots stands on a beach, just at the edge of the water. They wear a tricorn hat with a red naval officer jacket and holds a scroll. In the background, a large, multi-masted sailing ship with white sails is anchored on calm waters under an overcast sky.

Michael Cook, Undiscovered #4, 2010,

Reshaping narratives of Australian history


Examine how increasing recognition of First Nations cultures and perspectives is reshaping the national conversation about Australia's post-European settlement history.

Senior Secondary
Australian history
First Australians
Engraved portrait of James Cook in an 18th-century naval uniform, featuring a high-collared coat with buttons and light-coloured waistcoat. The illustration includes a small scene below showing a group of people interacting near the shore.

J. Chapman sculpsit, Captain Cook [picture],

The legend and legacy of James Cook


Explore the historical impact and legacy of James Cook's voyages in this learning module.

Senior Secondary
Australian history
First Australians

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