Community Heritage Grants: Recruiting an appropriate assessor | National Library of Australia (NLA)

Community Heritage Grants: Recruiting an appropriate assessor

The Community Heritage Grants program supports hundreds of heritage collections by providing community organisations with funding to employ practitioners to:

  • Explain the meaning and value of their collections (a significance assessment)
  • Outline the condition of their collections and create a plan to manage it (a preservation needs assessment)

There is further information on significance and the assessment process within the following guide: Significance 2.0 – A Guide to Assessing the Significance of Cultural Heritage Objects and Collections.

Before recruiting an assessor, organisations should consider whether they are ready to undertake an effective, productive significance assessment. Use our handy questionnaire to get a sense of what's needed before applying.

Close up photo of carved wooden objects

Punu objects, courtesy of Maruku Arts (2020 and 2021 Community Heritage Grants recipient). Find out more about Maruku Arts

Punu objects, courtesy of Maruku Arts (2020 and 2021 Community Heritage Grants recipient). Find out more about Maruku Arts

Recruiting an appropriate assessor or training provider

Once your organisation is ready for a significance assessment, you will need to recruit an appropriate consultant to undertake the assessment.

Depending on the type of collection you have, this may be a:

  • historian
  • archivist
  • museum curator
  • heritage librarian
  • or any similar expert with experience preparing significance assessments

They will produce a written report that provides a statement of significance and a list of recommendations for future collection management.

Organisations applying for training projects will also need to identify an appropriate provider.

For further information, please read the CHG Guidelines.

More information on recruiting significance assessors or training providers

Completed project summaries from previous years provide details of consultants who have undertaken significance assessments and training for recent CHG recipients. Contact the individual project contacts for advice on how they managed these consultancies.

The Australian Museums and Galleries Association (AMaGA) is a useful starting point for your search. You may also wish to explore the following resources to find an appropriate assessor.

Preservation needs assessors

A preservation needs assessment should be undertaken by a qualified conservator. When selecting a conservator:

  • Request a copy of their resume
  • Ask for references from previous clients
  • Ask for examples of previous work
  • Check that they have appropriate insurance

The following resources will assist you to find a conservator:

Page published: 05 Sep 2024

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