Community Heritage Grants: Other resources
Professional bodies and organisations
- Australian Institute for Conservation of Cultural Materials (AICCM)
- Professional Historians Association
- Australian Society of Archivists
- Australian Museums and Galleries Association
- Grimwade Centre for Cultural Materials Conservation
Useful documents
Significance assessment report templates
Preservation needs assessment report
The Australian Institution of Conservation of Cultural Material (AICCM) have developed a template for use by all conservators. This template must be followed by all conservators preparing a preservation needs assessment for a CHG recipient.
- Digital NZ's Make it Digital Guides, a one-stop shop for questions about creating digital content in New Zealand
- Public Records Office Victoria's Just Digitise It Training Guide
- The Association for Recorded Sound Collections' (ARSC) Guide to Audio Preservation (PDF, 2.7MB)
- State Library of New South Wales' Digital practice: Guidelines for digitising images in NSW public libraries
Climate control and lighting
Disaster planning and response

Spines of rare books from the Mrs Aeneas Gunn Memorial Library, courtesy of Monbulk RSL (2020 Community Heritage Grant recipient). Find out more about Monbulk RSL.
Spines of rare books from the Mrs Aeneas Gunn Memorial Library, courtesy of Monbulk RSL (2020 Community Heritage Grant recipient). Find out more about Monbulk RSL.
Other grants
- Funding & Support, Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts
- Find a grant or opportunity, Creative Australia (Australian Government arts investment and advisory body)
- Heritage Grants, Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
- Grants and Awards, Australian National Maritime Museum
- Fund Seeker, Philanthropy Australia
- Veteran & Community Grants, Australian Government Department of Veterans' Affairs