Computers, internet and wifi | National Library of Australia (NLA)

Computers, internet and wifi

Free access to computers, the internet and wifi.

You can access the internet through our computers in the Library's reading rooms. Our computers operate Windows 10, and are installed with Microsoft Word 2013, Publisher 2013, Excel 2013 and PowerPoint 2013; as well as Internet Explorer and Chrome for accessing the internet.

Our free wifi network is available throughout the Library, and can be used on devices capable of connecting to wireless networks, such as laptops, mobile phones and tablets. No login or password is required, but there are terms and conditions which you must read and agree to in order to connect.

We also provide print, photocopying and scanning facilities in all reading rooms.

Please take the time to also read the Library's acceptable use of information and communication technology policy below.

Young man browsing Trove on a computer in the Main Reading Room

Acceptable use of information and communication technology

Readers and visitors must abide by the conditions in this code when accessing electronic resources at the National Library of Australia.

Acceptable use

The National Library provides public access to information and communication technology resources free of charge for study, reference and research purposes.

The resources include the National Library's website, catalogue, electronic resources on subscription and the Internet.

Information and communication technology resources are available via public computers in all the Library’s reading rooms. Readers and visitors may connect to the Library’s Wireless Service throughout the building and surrounding podium.

Basis of access

While the Library endeavours to offer accurate and current resources and to maintain the security of its computer systems, the Internet is an inherently insecure environment.

The Library:

  • does not guarantee the authority or accuracy of any information found in electronic resources
  • does not accept responsibility for any losses arising from the use of, or technical difficulties with, the Library’s information and communication technology systems (including loss of and unauthorised access to user’s data)
  • is not liable for any third party content on the Internet that users may find offensive, upsetting or inflammatory
  • is not liable for any security breaches, including viruses or malware, suffered by  readers or visitors when using Library equipment or for any loss or damage suffered as a result of the unavailability of Library equipment or the Internet, including interruptions during use.

Readers are requested to restrict their use to research related activities. Use of Library computers to access forums or games or to conduct financial transactions (other than purchases from the Library) is therefore actively discouraged.

In accordance with National Library Regulation (2018)  no. 14, “Powers of authorised officers - directions to leave”, readers must not intentionally destroy, alter or erase any computer program on a computer, computer system or part of a computer system.

Please respect National Library equipment. Do not attempt to fix technical or software problems or change settings. Leave all equipment switched on.

Offensive material

Readers must not access, download or print pornographic or other offensive material, in compliance with the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act 1995 (Cth). The National Library of Australia uses filtering software to block known offensive websites, as well as gambling and gaming sites, but responsibility for adherence to this code resides with the individual.

All Library computers are situated in public areas, within clear view of staff. Surveillance cameras operate and security staff regularly patrol the reading rooms. Anyone found viewing offensive material will be requested to cease accessing the site. Those who fail to comply with staff directives will be asked to leave under National Library Regulation (2018)  no. 14, "Powers of authorised officers - directions to leave".

Internet access by children

The National Library of Australia recognises that there are particular issues concerning access to the Internet by young people, and recommends that where concerns exist, parents or guardians should supervise children as they access the Internet.

Copyright and copying

It is the responsibility of users of these resources to determine whether the material is in copyright or find the copyright owner to obtain their permission. Further information and advice is provided by the Australian Copyright Council.

Page published: 22 Dec 2022

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