Emissions reduction plan
The Library's Emissions Reduction Plan maps a pathway and actions to enable the Library to reduce operational emissions and contribute towards the APS Net Zero 2030 target. The Library is fully committed to this target, inline with the Net Zero in Government Operations Strategy (PDF, 9.8MB). The Net Zero in Government Operations Strategy sets out the Australian Government’s approach to achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions from its operations by 2030, and reinstates public emissions reporting.
The Emissions Reduction Plan includes existing and new initiatives to reduce emissions, with progress tracked in annual reports. This data will contribute to the Net Zero in Government Operations Annual Progress Report, which aggregates emissions data for the entire Australian Government.
The National Library's emissions reduction efforts will target both scope 1 and scope 2 emissions across the entirety of its operations. To meet the APS Net Zero 2030 target, the Library will continue to implement and expand emissions reduction measures.
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