Harold White Fellowship (1986 to 2014) | National Library of Australia (NLA)

Harold White Fellowship (1986 to 2014)

Established by the Council of the National Library of Australia in 1983 as the National Library Fellowships, the first Fellows commenced their research in 1984. The Fellowships were renamed in honour of Sir Harold White CBE (1905-1992), the first National Librarian, in 1985.

The Fellowships aimed to promote the Library as a centre of scholarly activity and research, and encourage the use and promotion of the Library's rich and varied collections. It supported 150 researchers until 2014 when it was replaced by the Fellowships and Scholarships program.

The Library will continue to honour Harold White's legacy in other ways.

Harold White Fellows, 2011-2014

Dr Penelope Allison
Reader in Archeology and Ancient History, University of Leicester, UK
Material culture and social practices at the Old Kinchega Homestead
Professor John Williams
Dean and Professor, Adelaide Law School, The University of Adelaide
History of the High Court
Dr Peter Griggs
Senior Lecturer in Human Geography, James Cook University
Tea in Australia: an economic and social history
Associate Professor Catherine Kelly
Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Western Australia
Medicine, law and the lash: the experience of military medical officers

Dr Deborah Jordan
Adjunct Senior Research Fellow National Centre for Australian Studies, Monash University

Fellowship supported by the Ray Mathew and Eva Kollsman Trust

Love Letters of Vance and Nettie Palmer
Associate Professor Ann Elias
Associate Professor in Critical Studies at Sydney College of the Arts, University of Sydney
Modernist imagery of the Great Barrier Reef 1880-1950
Associate Professor Paul Sharrad
Associate Professor English Literatures, University of Wollongong
Thomas Keneally's career

Dr Gwenda Tavan
Senior Lecturer Politics, La Trobe University
Arthur Calwell's Immigration Program
Dr Christine Cheater
Honorary Research Associate, University of Tasmania
Stealing boyhood: the experiences of institutionalised Aboriginal boys pre 1940
Professor Neville Kirk
Emeritus Professor Manchester Metropolitan University
Transnational Connections: Tom Mann (1856-1941), Robert Samuel Ross (1873-1931) and Labour networks in Australia, New Zealand and Britain
Dr Jan Tent
Senior Lecturer Linguistics, Macquarie University
The Dutch Pacific

Ms Alana Valentine
Freelance playwright

Fellowship supported by the Ray Mathew and Eva Kollsman Trust

Letters to Lindy

Dr Kent Fedorowich
Reader in British Imperial and Commonwealth History, Philosophy and Politics, University of the West of England, Bristol
The wartime mission of a truant surgeon: Sir Earle Page's diary 1941-42
Professor James Cotton
Visiting Professor, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of New South Wales, Australian Defence Force Academy
H. Duncan Hall: the Australian who invented the Commonwealth

Dr David Lee
Director, Historical publications and Information Section, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Fellowship supported by the Minerals Council of Australia

The minerals boom:1960-2012.

Professor Jim Davidson
Principal Fellow, Australian Centre, School of Historical & Philosophical Studies, University of Melbourne
Bigger than Little: 'Meanjin' and 'Overland' and the Little Magazine Culture in Melbourne, 1940-1988
Dr Chi Kong Lai
Reader in Modern Chinese History, University of Queensland
The Power of Hair in Chinese Society, 1500-2010
Professor Satendra Nandan
Foundation Dean & Professor, School of Humanities & Arts, University of Fiji
An Autobiography -- A Fijian-Indian-Australian Experience
Dr Tim Sherratt
Websites Research & Development Officer, National Museum of Australia; Freelance Historian, web developer and cultural data specialist, Adjunct Associate Professor University of Canberra.
The times of our lives: text-mining the meaning of progress

Mr Anthony Lawrence
Poet, Lecturer, Creative Writing & Literature, University of Newcastle

Fellowship supportedby the Ray Mathew and Eva Kollsman Trust

Critical work on the poetry of Robert Adamson

Dr Lyn Gallacher
ABC Radio National Feature Producer

Fellowship supported by the Ray Mathew and Eva Kollsman Trust

The Nancy Keesing Correspondence
Dr Mary Eagle
freelance scholar
Augustus Earle in Australia
Professor Craig Reynolds
Adjunct Professor, School of Culture, History & Language, College of Asia & the Pacific, Australian National University
Policing and the Power of Thai Amulets
Dr Andrew Selth
Adjunct Research Fellow, Griffith Asia Institute, Griffith University
Burma's Police Forces
Mr Luke Keogh
Research Assistant, Centre for the Government of Queensland, University of Queensland.
Coal Seam Gas: a local history

Dr Beatrice Bijon
Senior Lecturer, Department of English and American Studies, University of Saint-Etienne, France
The Fight for Women's Suffrage. Connecting links between the British and American Movements and the Australian Movement
Dr Martyn Jolly
Head, Photography and Media Arts, School of Art, Research School of Humanities and the Arts, College of Arts and Social Sciences, Australian National University
Australian photographs as they were originally published from 1950 to 1980
Mr Richard White
Senior Lecturer, Department of History, University of Sydney
Touring the Past in Australia
Professor Alistair Thomson
Professor of History, Monash University
Out of the Shadows: Rediscovering Family Men Through Australia 1938 Oral History Project
Professor Stephanie Lawson
Professory of Politics and International Relations, Macquarie University
The Pacific Way: A Critical Reassessment

Dr Amrita Malhi
Visiting fellow, Australian National University

Inaugural Minerals Council of Australia Fellow

Asian Environments, Australian mines: Regional Resources and Australian Environmental Thinking

Harold White Fellows, 2001-2010

Dr Bronwen Douglas
Senior Fellow, Division of Pacific and Asian History, RSPAS, Australian National University
Racial Geography, Local Knowledge, and the Naming of Oceania 1750-1850
Dr Sheridan Palmer
Manning Clark/CAL Residential Fellow; Honorary Fellow, the Australian Centre, University of Melbourne; independent art curator, author and arts writer
The Antipodean: The Life and Work of Bernard Smith
Dr Priscilla Roberts
Associate Professor of History, University of Hong Kong
Anglo-American Think Tanks and China Policy
Dr Lynne McCarthy
awarded but unable to undertake a Fellowship

Mr John Arnold
Senior Lecturer, National Centre for Australian Studies, Monash University
The Time was Ripe: Sun Books as an agent of cultural change in Australia
Dr David Carter
Professor of Australian Literature and Cultural History, University of Queensland
Making it in the American Market: Australian Books and American Publishers
Dr Robert Cribb
Senior Fellow, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University
State finance in the Indonesian revolution in Java, 1945-1949
Dr Tatiana Gabroussenko
Visiting Fellow, China and Korea Centre, Faculty of Asian Studies, Australian National University
Shifting patterns of North Korean propaganda from 1994 to the present
Dr Philip Jones
Senior Curator, Department of Anthropology, South Australian Museum
George French Angas, artist and ethnographer
Dr Kenneth Morgan
Professor of History, Brunel University, London
ABC Orchestras
Dr Fiona Wheeler
Professor of Constitutional Law, College of Law, Australian National University
Parachuting In: War and Extra-Judicial Activity by High Court Judges

Dr Susan Cochrane
University of Queensland Postdoctoral Fellowship for Women
The lost art: William Dargie and a cultural history
Dr David Foster
A reading of Burton's Arabian Nights for the novel Shahrazad
Mr Peter Robertson
Research Coordinator, Science, Engineering & Technology Portfolio, RMIT University
A biography of the Australian astronomer John Bolton
Dr Sue Taffe
Honorary Research Fellow, Centre for Australian Indigenous Studies, Monash University
Fighting Friendships: activists for Indigenous Rights, 1950s 1980s

Dr Catharine Coleborne
Senior Lecturer, Department of History, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand
Madness in the family
Mr Peter Hamburger
First Assistant Secretary, Cabinet Divsion, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Canberra
The Netherlands East Indies: a perfect bureaucrats' state
Dr Nathalie Nguyen
ARC Australian Research Fellow, The Australian Centre, University of Melbourne
Vietnamese refugees: perspectives and perceptions
Mr Graeme Skinner
Freelance music consultant
Peter Sculthorpe biography, part 2 (1975-present)
Dr Julie Stephens
Senior Lecturer, School of Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts, Education and Human Development, Victoria University
The Uses and Abuses of Feminist Cultural Memory

Dr Pamela Gutman
Honorary Associate, Department of Art History and Theory, University of Sydney
Bloomsbury in Burma: a biography of George Hannington Luce
Dr Bernadette Hince, Researcher, CanberraThe Heard Island diaries of John Béchervaise
Dr Jemma Purdey, Writer-in-residence, Centre of Southeast Asian Studies, Monash Asia Institute, Monash UniversityHerb Feith: a biography
Dr Carolyn Strange, Senior Fellow, Centre for Cross-Cultural Research, Australian National UniversityThomas Griffith Taylor (1880-1963): visions of 'Man and Nature' in the 20th Century

Dr Paul Humphries
Researcher, Murray Darling Freshwater Research Centre, Albury
Identification of species, abundance and distribution of fishes in the Murray River in earlier times
Dr Simon Potter
Lecturer in History, National University of Ireland
The connections between the mass media in Britain and Australia and the other Dominions in the period 1920-1970
Professor Bob Reece, Professor of History, Murdoch UniversityThe papers of Daisy Bates
Professor Thomas Shapcott, Professor of Creative Writing, University of AdelaideThe papers of Ray Mathew
Dr Thien Do
Independent researcher
Impact of modernity and colonialism on popular religion in Vietnam in the period 1900-1945

Dr Albrecht Dümling
Researcher at the Centre for Studies in Anti-Semitism, Technical University, Berlin
Refugee musicians from Germany and Austria in Australia
Dr Margot Harker
Independent researcher
'The Radiant Day' – Australians and their weddings
Professor Michael McClellan
Associate Professor, Department of Music, Chinese University of Hong Kong
The French Revolution on stage
Dr Penny Olsen
Visiting Fellow, School of Botany and Zoology, Australian National University
Paradise lost: the quest for the paradise parrot
Dr Rosemary Campbell
awarded but unable to undertake a Fellowship

Professor Carl Bridge
Director of the Menzies Centre for Australian Studies, University of London
A scholarly edition of R.G. Casey's Washington diaries, 1940-42
Dr Ryan Dunch
Associate Professor, Department of History and Classics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
Reading missionary modernity in late Qing China
Dr Keith McKenry
Freelance researcher, Canberra
The life and work of John Meredith and his role in the Australian folk revival
Mr Angus Trumble
Curator of Paintings and Sculpture, Yale Centre for British Art, New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Rossetti's wombat; Anglo-Australian cultural relations in the second half of the nineteenth century
Mr Gary Catalano
awarded but unable to undertake a Fellowship

Dr Penny Edwards
Postdoctoral Fellow, Centre for Cross-Cultural Research, Australian National University
The power of culture: temples of memory and the politics of nostalgia in British Burma and contemporary Myanmar
Dr Jennifer Hocking
Associate Professor, National Centre for Australian Studies, Monash University
Frank Hardy: a political life
Dr Christa Knellwolf
Honorary Research Fellow, Humanities Research Centre, Australian National University
The travelling imagination: a comparison of imaginary with real journeys of exploration
Dr Keiko Tamura
Freelance researcher, Canberra
Engagement of East and West: a critical study of the Harold Williams Collection
Dr Martin Thomas
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Technology, Sydney
Surveying cross-cultural encounter: the legacy of R.H. Mathews, anthropologist

Ms Margaret Barbalet
Novelist, Canberra
Sources on Buddhism for a novel Paradise Hotel
Dr Rhian Davies
Freelance musicologist and broadcaster, Cardiff, Wales
F.S. Kelly (1881-1916), musician and oarsman
Dr Satyanshu Mukherjee
Retired criminologist, Canberra
A history of criminal justice policy in Australia since 1788
Dr Benjamin Penny
Honorary Research Fellow, Humanities Research Centre, Australian National University
Religion in contemporary China: the case of Falungong
Dr Jane Roberts
Independent research scientist, Canberra
Australian river navigation charts, their historical and scientific values
Mrs Susan Woodburn
Special Collections Librarian, Barr Smith Library, University of Adelaide
Printing and publishing in Pacific Islands languages in Australia

Harold White Fellows, 1991-2000

Professor Carole Carpenter
Associate Professor, Division of Humanities, York University, Toronto, Canada
Constructing and reconstructing identity: folklore in Australian children's literature in English
Dr Bridget Griffen-Foley
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of History, University of Sydney
A study of the relationship between Australian media companies, their proprietors and politicians and political parties, 1945-75
Mr David Hansen
Senior curator of Art, Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery
John Glover and the colonial picturesque
Dr Doug Munro
Temporary Lecturer in History, University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji
A biography of J.W. Davidson (1915-1973)
Dr Michael Symons
Freelance writer, Adelaide
A history of Australian dining out

Dr David Branagan
formerly Associate Professor of Geology and Geophysics at Sydney University
Biography of geologist Sir Edgeworth David (1858-1934)
Ms Paula Byrne
independent Canberra scholar
Research on law and manners in colonial New South Wales
Professor Peter Edwards
Sydney University
Biography of Sir Arthur Tange
Dr Sarah Lloyd
Australian National University
Poverty, charity and gender in Britain in the period 1700-1820
Professor Joan Rydon
Professor of Political Science, La Trobe University from 1975 to 1989
Study of the political career of Sir Archdale Parkhill

Professor Geoffrey Bolton
Emeritus Professor of History, Edith Cowen University and Murdoch University, Perth, WA
Biography of Sir Edmund Barton
Professor Margaret Harris
Professor of English Literature, University of Sydney
Unpublished writings of Christina Stead
Mr John Shortis
Freelance composer and musician, Bungendore, NSW
Sheet Dip: the National Library's Australian Sheet Music Collection
Dr David Tothill
Freelance historian, Pretoria
South Africa, Australia and the United Nations, 1945-61
Professor John Warhurst
Professor of Political Science, Australian National University, Canberra
The First Green Decade: the Australian Conservation Foundation and Environmental Politics, 1963-73

Professor Graham Hair
Professor of Music, University of Glasgow
Don Banks, Australian composer
Dr Elizabeth Lawson
Senior Lecturer in English, University College of the University of New South Wales, Australian Defence Force Academy
Birds and the Australian imagination
Dr David Lowe
Lecturer in History, Deakin University
Percy Spender: a biography
Professor Gananath Obeyesekere
Professor of Anthropology, Princeton University, Princeton, USA
Cannibal talk: the practice and discourse of anthropology and anthropophagy in Polynesia in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
Dr Barry York
Independent historian, Canberra
Big Chief Little Wolf: folklore, folk heroes and professional wrestling in Australia

Professor Patricia Veronica Brady
Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Department of English, University of Western Australia
A biography of Judith Wright
Dr Peter John Cochrane
Senior Lecturer, Department of History, University of Sydney
Anglo-Australia: A Study of Herbert and Ivy Brookes
Ms Ann Jackson-Nakano
Independent historian, Canberra
A history of the Ngunnawal, 1788-1938
Dr Vera Christine Mackie
Director, Women's Studies Programme, University of Melbourne
Gender, ethnicity and citizenship in contemporary Japan
Dr Christopher Tiffin
Senior Lecturer, Department of English, University of Queensland
An edition of My Australian Girlhood by Rosa Praed

Dr Maryanne Dever
Lecturer in Australian Studies, University of Hong Kong
'M. Barnard Eldershaw': the Literary Collaboration of Marjorie Barnard and Flora Eldershaw
Dr Peter Jackson
Executive Officer, National Thai Studies Centre, Australian National University
Karthoeys: a History of Thailand's Third Gender
Dr John Knott
Senior Lecturer in History, Australian National University
The Motor Car and Australian Society

Professor Ian Hancock
Reader in History, Australian National University
History of the Federal Liberal Party of Australia, 1944-1965
Mrs Ros Poignant
Freelance Anthropologist
Axel Poignant's Diary and Photographic Record of his stay in Nagalarramba, Arnhem Land, in 1952
Dr Michael Rosenthal
Senior Lecturer in Art History, University of Warwick, UK
Home and Away: The British and Australia, 1770-1840

Professor Donald Harman Akenson
Professor of History, Queen's University, Kingston, Canada
The Irish Diaspora
Dr Patricia Clarke
Freelance Writer
A Biography of Rosa Praed (1851-1935)
Professor Hu Wenzhong
Director Australian Studies Centre, Beijing Foreign Studies University
Australia's Critical Reception of Patrick White: a Survey
Dr Charles Campbell MacKnight
Reader in History, Australian National University
Three Projects in Indonesian History: Purry's 'Memoirs', a History of Early Java and a La Galigo Translation
Dr Ann Moyal
Freelance Historian
Science and Technology in Australia: a Cultural History
Dr Marc Serge Riviere
Senior Lecturer in Modern Languages, James Cook University of North Queensland
A Critical Edition of Voltaire's 'Age of Louis XIV'
Dr Nicholas Jeremy Thomas
Senior Research Fellow, Department of Archaeology & Anthropology, Australian National University
Australian Perceptions of South Pacific Islanders, 1860-1914
Dr Paul Turnbull
Senior Lecturer in History, James Cook University of North Queensland
The Procurement and Scientific Use of Aboriginal Remains, 1790-1990

Dr Ian Michael Britain
Formerly Lecturer in History, University of Melbourne
Re-domesticating the Gothic in Eighteenth-Century England: Thomas Gray and his Influence
Professor John Philips Hardy
Professor of Humanities, Bond University
The World of Wit and Poetry: a Reading of Alexander Pope
Dr Andrew Leonard Hassam
Lecturer in English, Trinity College Camarthen, UK
Narrating the Passage: Immigrants' Journals and the Voyage Out
Professor William Frederick Mandle|Professor of History, University of CanberraThe Oxford Movement (1833-1845) Considered as an Exercise in Propaganda and Communication

Dr Stephen Gordon Alomes
Lecturer in Australian Studies, Deakin University
The Cultural Aspirations of Post-War Development in Australia, as Reflected in Planning for Community Development and a National Theatre
Ms Sara Dowse
Cross Currents: The Search for Lisa Fitch
Dr Eric Charles Fry
Formerly Reader in History, Australian National University
Australian Federal Politics, 1949-1972
Dr Paul Gillen
Senior Lecturer School of Humanities & Social Sciences, University of Technology, Sydney
The Cultural and Political Philosophy of Jack Lindsay
Dr Drid Williams
Lecturer, Department of Music, University of Sydney
Human Danced Experiences: a Pilot Project on Australian Resources

Harold White Fellows, 1986-1990

Dr Dennis James Haskell
Lecturer in English, University of Western Australia
A Critical Study of the Poetry of Kenneth Slessor
Mr Roger Milliss
Jane Franklin's Journey, 1839
Dr Anna Shnukal
Lecturer in Linguistics, University of Queensland
Pacific Islander Immigrants to Torres Strait: a Social History and Selected Bibliography
Professor Julian Thomas
Postgraduate Scholar, Department of History, Australian National University
Frank Hurley: Colonial Photographer

Dr Gwenda Davey
The Folklore Collections of the National Library of Australia
Dr David McLean
Lecturer in History, Riverina-Murray Institute of Higher Education
The Origins of the ANZUS Alliance
Professor Wilfrid Prest
Reader at Department of History, University of Adelaide
A Social History of Eighteenth Century English Barristers

Mr Gerald Eades Bentley, Jr.
Professor of English, University of Toronto, Canada
Book Illustration in England, 1660-1830
Dr Heather Radi
Honorary Associate, History, University of Sydney
S.M. Bruce: a Biography
Professor William Richardson
Visiting Scholar, Flinders University
A Detailed Study of Place-name Corruption on Maps and Charts

Professor Ann McCulloch
School of Communication and Creative Arts , Deakin University (was Victoria College, Melbourne)
Life and Work of A.D. Hope
Mr Frank Moorhouse
The League [a novel about the League of Nations]
Dr Ruth Morse
Lethersellers' Fellow in English, Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge, UK
The Australian School: Poetry since the War

Dr Carney T. Fisher
Director of Studies (Arts), Ormond College, University of Melbourne
Historical Case Study of Political Action, Language, Argumentation and Symbolism in the Traditional Chinese State
Dr Ross McMullin
Freelance historian
Pompey Elliott: A Biography
Professor Henry Reynolds
Associate Professor of History, James Cook University
Aboriginal Land Rights
Page published: 23 May 2019

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