Australian statistics
Current statistics online
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is usually the first stop for statistics information. Check some of the statistics available in the menu on the home page, including:
More useful pages from the ABS:
Other websites with Australian national statistics:
- Monthly statistical bulletin from the Parliamentary Library. Scroll down for the tables and explanations available to the public
- Reserve Bank of Australia, the primary source for Australian financial statistics
- Bureau of Meteorology - Climate Data Online (CDO) provides access to a range of statistics, recent weather observations and climate data
- Department of Health and Aged Care - under Resources, search for "statistics"
Finding print resources in the National Library
Start with the Library Catalogue
- Choose subjects from the drop-down All Fields list
- Type your keywords in the search bar
- Tip: When browsing the catalogue, check the menu for Similar items. This may help expand your search.
Selected works:
- Year book, Australia - the principal reference work produced by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. It provides a comprehensive and detailed statistical overview of various aspects of the economy and social conditions in Australia. The latest issue is held in the Main Reading Room Reference Collection.
- Catalogue of official statistical publications - lists all publications which have been released by the ABS Central Office, Canberra from 1906 to 1986. Available in the Main Reading Room Reference Collection.
If you can't visit the National Library in Canberra, search Trove to find items of interest in a library near you.
Featured resource
The little book of Australia by David Dale Allen Unwin, Crows Nest, N.S.W. : 2010
This book contains humourous and interesting facts, figures and quotations about Australia. Chapters with condensed statistics include "The bits that make us" and "The things we like."

David Dale, (2010), The little book of Australia / David Dale. Crows Nest, N.S.W. : Allen & Unwin,
Australian states and territories
Current statistics online
Some statistical information in addition to reports found at the Australian Bureau of Statistics:
- The ACT Criminal Justice Statistical Profile - the Department of Justice and Community Safety has downloadable current ACT Crime statistics
- Health - includes data on specific health risk factors, conditions, behaviours and diseases
- Regional Summary: Australian Capital Territory
- Australian Capital Territory Statistical Indicators
Print resources in the National Library
Start with the Library Catalogue
- choose subjects from the drop-down All Fields list
- type your keywords in the search bar
Selected works:
- Australian Capital Territory statistical summary - 1969 - 1991
- Australian Capital Territory in focus - 1993 - 2007; also available online from the ABS
Case study - Crime rates in Canberra
I'm studying Year 12 geography, looking at demographics including crime rates in different Canberra suburbs. My teacher said as part of our research we could 'ask a librarian' for statistics, news articles or facts about our chosen topic.
Can you find statistics or facts about burglaries or vandalism around different areas of Canberra please?
As noted on our Ask a Librarian page, we can't research or provide answers to school or university assignments, but here are some suggestions of places to look:
- The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) collects most Australian statistics, taken from the census and other records.
- To find Canberra information, we can find the Crime and Justice subject under the statistics heading
- Select an area we are interested in, for example Recorded Crime - Victims
- Then select the Australian Capital Territory to see an overview of ACT crime statistics
- Another place to find information on this topic is the ACT Policing website which includes a crime statistics map.
Featured resource
Australian Capital Territory ephemera collection. This includes:
- ACT general: 1900-1989
- 1990-
- Foreign languages
- ACT regional tours. Canberra, Australian Capital Territory (Places and attractions)

[Australian Capital Territory including Canberra : geographic ephemera collected by the National Library of Australia],
Current statistics online
New South Wales statistical information is found at the Australian Bureau of Statistics and other agencies such as:
- Region summary: New South Wales - current data
- New South Wales Statistical Indicators - 2011 & 2012
- New South Wales at a Glance - 1994 - 2004
- NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOCSAR) - the official source of NSW crime information
- Roads and Maritime Services NSW - find various statistical reports for NSW
- Transport for NSW - statistics to help monitor and forecast transport system usage and performance
You can also search for statistics on the relevant NSW Government websites, such as Health and Environment, Energy & Science.
Print resources in the National Library
Start with the Library Catalogue
- Choose subjects from the drop-down All Fields list
- Type your keywords in the search bar
- Example: New South Wales -- Statistics
Selected works:
- New South Wales in focus - This publication has changed title over the years and each new title has its own record in the catalogue; see the Former Title section of the catalogue record to search for earlier editions.
- Regional statistics of New South Wales (also available online from the ABS) - This publication ran from 1986-2004
Case study - Numbers of school age children
Can you tell me how many children there were in NSW in 2010 that were of school age?
We can use two online resources to find this information:
- Australian Bureau of Statistics Schools, Australia, 2010 - Under the 'Downloads' tab, you can open spreadsheets with detailed statistical information. Here you will find various statistics such as the number of children enrolled in primary and secondary school in each State.
- The Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation (CESE) - a range of statistical reports are available, which are accessed in PDF form. The earliest numbers are found in Statistical Bulletin - Schools and students in NSW, 2011.
Featured resources
Childbirth in New South Wales : a study in statistics by T.A. Coghlan, 1900.
Early NSW statistics by Sir Timothy Coghlan, the first Government Statistician of New South Wales, 1886-1905.

T.A. Coghlan, (1900), Childbirth in New South Wales : a study in statistics,
Current statistics online
Northern Territory statistical information is found at the Australian Bureau of Statistics and other agencies such as:
- Regional summary: Northern Territory - current data
- Northern Territory Statistical Indicators - 2011 - 2012
- Northern Territory at a glance - 1994 - 2011
- Department of the Attorney-General and Justice: See under 'Statistics and Strategy' for statistics, research publications and reporting regions.
- Department of Health: reports and fact sheets including statistics and survey results
- Department of Education: Enrolment, attendance and other statistics are available under 'Statistics, Research and Strategies.'
You can also search for statistics, research and other information on the Northern Territory Government website.
Print resources in the National Library
Start with the Library Catalogue
- Choose subjects from the drop-down All Fields list
- Type your keywords in the search bar
- Example: Northern Territory -- Statistics
Selected works:
- Northern Territory statistical summary - 1969 - 1991
- Northern Territory in focus - 1992 - 1998; also available online from the ABS
Statistics on the Northern Territory pre-1911 are included in the South Australian statistical register.
For the period 1911 to 1959, check the Yearbook of Australia. Find this online at the ABS pages for the Yearbook of Australia, under 'Past and Future Releases.'
Case study - Indigenous Children in the Northern Territory
Can you tell me how many children there were in NSW in 2010 that were of school age?
I am trying to find statistics on the abuse of children in the Northern Territory that 'sparked' the rush on the intervention.
For example, these statistics might show whether it's much more likely for Indigenous Australians to be abused and/or sexually abused than non-Indigenous people.
Are there any statistics that show the percentage of Indigenous Australians that have been abused?
Statistics related to Australia's Indigenous population, including health and social issues, can be found on the Australian Bureau of Statistics website. The downloadable reports from the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey include statistics on child abuse and neglect.
The Australian Human Rights Commission has a statistical overview of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia, including data on child protection.
There are also a number of websites that provide reports and other information about the Northern Territory National Emergency Response, or intervention. Many of them describe the development of the program and others provide supporting documents and evidence such as statistics.
- Social Justice Report 2007 - Chapter 3
- Australian Institute of Health and Welfare - Indigenous Australians
Featured resource
Report of the Government Resident for the year 1910. This includes population statistics, with estimates of the Indigenous population. Reports for 1882 - 1885 and 1888 - 1910 are also available.

Northern Territory. Office of the Administrator & South Australia. Office of the Government Resident (Northern Territory). (1910). Report of the Government Resident.
Current statistics online
Queensland statistical information is found at the Australian Bureau of Statistics and other agencies such as:
- Region summary: Queensland - current data
- Queensland Statistical Indicators - 2011 - 2012
- Queensland at a Glance - 2000 - 2012
- Queensland Government Statistician's Office - demographic, economic and social data relating to the state of Queensland
- Queensland Health Statistical Services Branch - statistics on the health of Queenslanders and their use of health services
- Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority - data on enrolment and assessment outcomes provided by Queensland schools and the Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre
Other statistics can be found with a search of the Queensland Government website
Print resources in the National Library
Start with the Library Catalogue
- Choose subjects from the drop-down All Fields list
- Type your keywords in the search bar
- Example: Queensland -- Statistics
Selected works:
- Queensland year book 1937 - 2001
- Demography, Queensland - also available online from the ABS
Case study - Information about Queensland
A researcher needs answers to 3 specific questions about Queensland:
- What is the total area of Qld in sq miles/kms
- What was the total population of Queensland in 1987
- What was the percentage of children in care in 1987
- Information about the geography of Queensland is given in the Region Summary from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). The total area is approximately 1.73 million square kilometres (668,497 square miles)
- Population data is also available from the ABS in Australian Historical Population Statistics. Use the downloads tab to open the files, where you can find, in 'Population Age-Sex Structure' for Queensland, 1987:
- Males: 1344029
- Females: 1331078
- Total: 2675107
Information for 1987 is more likely to be available in print than online. A careful National Library Catalogue search reveals a 1987 publication, Children in care : Welstat National Data Collection
Statistics are published by state, and include several categories of care orders. Briefly, in 1987 the number of children under guardianship orders in Queensland were:
- Males: 1,974
- Females: 1,545
- Total: 3,519
Featured resource
Map of Queensland showing railways, main roads, shire boundaries, shire names and cities. Includes comparative state statistics for 1909.

Southern Sales Ltd & H.E.C. Robinson Pty Ltd & William Brooks ∧ Co. (1909). Queensland [cartographic material] / compiled and published from latest available information by Southern Sales Ltd.
Current statistics online
South Australian statistical information is found at the Australian Bureau of Statistics and other agencies such as:
- Region summary: South Australia - current data
- South Australia Statistical Indicators - 2011 - 2012
- South Australia at a Glance - 1994 - 2009
- Health - statistics reports on a range of areas from SA Heath
- Crime - statistics from South Australian Police. See also Crime and Justice Data from the Attorney General of South Australia
- Road Safety - statistics from the South Australian Police
You can also search for statistics on the relevant South Australian Government websites, such as Forestry SA and Tourism
Print resources in the National Library
Start with the Library Catalogue
- Choose subjects from the drop-down All Fields list
- Type your keywords in the search bar
- Example: South Australia -- Statistics
Selected works:
- South Australian year book 1966 - 1997
- South Australia : a statistical profile - also available online at the ABS
Case study - Causes of death in South Australia
I am looking for data on deaths related to food in South Australia over the past 40 years.
The Catalogue shows an ABS journal with a complete list of causes of death available in the National Library in Canberra and I am in Adelaide. Can I read the relevant documents online?
You have found the item titled Deaths, South Australia, which appears to contain all the information needed. However, when we check the dates available, we find only the years 1969-1993 are covered, so will not contain data from 2000 onwards.
The record shows the 'later title' was Demography, South Australia with data up to 2001. You can read these statistics (up to 2001) online at the ABS page Demography, South Australia. Use the 'Past Releases' tab for data back to 1993. When you have chosen a year, click on the "Downloads" tab to open the report.
For data after 2001, we need to use the publication, Causes of death, Australia. This can also be downloaded from the ABS website. Again, use the 'Previous Releases' tab.
In the 'Downloads' tab, we can find 'Underlying causes of death (South Australia)'.
Featured resource
Map of the newly founded city of Adelaide, includes population statistics as of 1842, agricultural operations and climate perameters. Figures are based on the South Australian almanack of 1842.

Kingston, George Strickland, 1807-1880 & Stephens, Edward, cartographer & Hailes, J. C. (James Chaplin) & Edmund J. Wheeler & Co. (1842). To her most Gracious Majesty Adelaide, the Queen Dowager, this map of Adelaide, South Australia, shewing the nature and extent of every building of the city, as surveyed and laid down by G.S. Kingston, Esqre. is by special permission dedicated by Her Majesty's very obedient servants, George S. Kingston & Edward Stephens, the proprietors, through their agents, Edward J. Wheeler & Co., London [cartographic material].
Current statistics online
Tasmanian statistical information is found at the Australian Bureau of Statistics and other agencies such as:
- Region summary: Tasmania - current data
- Tasmania Statistical Indicators - 2011 - 2012
- Tasmania at a Glance - 1994 - 2011
- Food and Agriculture - Facts and figures from the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment
- Transport - The Department of State Growth website includes Tasmanian crash statistics for several years
- Education - See Plans, Reports and Statistics for more information
- HealthStats
Print resources in the National Library
Start with the Library Catalogue
- Choose subjects from the drop-down All Fields list
- Type your keywords in the search bar
- Example: Tasmania -- Statistics
Selected works:
- Tasmanian year book 1967 - 2000 - also available online
- Regional statistics, Tasmania - also available online from the ABS to 2007
Case study - Agricultural statistics
For background research into Tasmanian farming, I would like to know the farming areas of Tasmania, the farm types of those areas, the number of farm holdings by area and farm type, and the number of people working the total number of farms.
We can find historical information in the National Library's print collections, for example
- Number of farms, farm population, employment, irrigation and machinery used, Tasmania, 1956-1971
- Number of rural establishments, irrigation and fertiliser usage, Tasmania, 1977/78-1978/79
These items are not useful for current statistics. We should be able to get more up to date data from the Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) also has agricultural data for Tasmania, with the latest publication completed in 2007.
Later statistics from the ABS is found in the National Regional Profiles. Agriculture is listed under Industry.
Featured resource
1842 map of Tasmania; In lower left corner: statistical tables giving details of free people, convicts, livestock and land in cultivation. 1861 map also available.

Wyld, James, 1812-1887 & Wyld, James. Atlas of the world. (1842). Van Diemens Land [cartographic material] / J.W. del.
Current statistics online
Victorian statistical information is found at the Australian Bureau of Statistics and other agencies such as:
- Region summary: Victoria - current data
- Victoria Statistical Indicators - 2011 - 2012
- Victorian State and Regional Indicators - 2001 - 2010
- Victoria Police - See Crime statistics
- Transport - see the Department of Transport
- Business Victoria - Links to finding statistics for businesses
Print resources in the National Library
Start with the Library Catalogue
- Choose subjects from the drop-down All Fields list
- Type your keywords in the search bar
- Example: Victoria -- Statistics
Selected works:
- Victorian year book - also available online from the ABS to 2002
- Historical statistics of Victoria - 1986
Featured resource
An essay "intended as an Introductory Handbook to the annually-published Statistics of Victoria"

Archer, William Henry, 1825-1909 & Victoria. Registrar-General's Office & Intercolonial Exhibition (1866-1867 : Melbourne, Vic.). (1867). The progress of Victoria : a statistical essay / by William Henry Archer. Melbourne : Blundell
Current statistics online
Western Australian statistical information is found at the Australian Bureau of Statistics and other agencies such as:
- Region summary: Western Australia - current data
- Western Australia Statistical Indicators - 2011 - 2012
- Western Australia at a Glance - 1995 - 2014
- Crime statistics and crash statistics - from the Western Australia Police
- Road statistics - from the Road Safety Commission
- Health data and statistics - The Public Health Division collects, maintains and accesses data from many sources, allowing informed decision making
Other statistics can be found with a search of the Government of Western Australia website.
Print resources in the National Library
Start with the Library Catalogue
- Choose subjects from the drop-down All Fields list
- Type your keywords in the search bar
- Example: Western Australia -- Statistics
Selected works:
- Western Australia year book - 1967 -1998
- Statistical register of Western Australia - 1901-1967/68. See under 'Later title' for editions in specific topic areas.
Featured resource
Map of Western Australia showing distribution of stock statistics (including camels) 1909-10

Western Australia. Department of Lands and Surveys & Western Australia. Government Statistician's Office. Statistical register of Western Australia, 1909. (1910). Map of Western Australia showing statistical areas. Distribution of stock statistics 1909-10 / Malcolm A.C. Fraser government statistician.
In this guide

National Capital Development Commission, Sketch of the National Library of Australia, 1962, nla.obj-150872437

Wray Vamplew, (1987), Australians, historical statistics / editor, Wray Vamplew. Broadway, N.S.W., Australia : Fairfax, Syme & Weldon Associates,

George Knibbs & Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics (Australia), The first Commonwealth census, 3rd April, 1911 : notes,

Ontario. Parliament & Sydney Intercolonial Exhibition (1877 : Sydney, N.S.W.). (1877). The Province of Ontario as it is : containing manufacturing, commercial, statistical and other valuable information. Toronto, Ontario : Legislature of the Province of Ontario

[Australian Capital Territory including Canberra : geographic ephemera collected by the National Library of Australia],